2.Charm of Crooners

Johnny Cash Brook Benton Isaac Hayes Barry White Percy Mayfield Nina Simone Esther Phillips Billy Eckstine Will Dub Jones Melvin Franklin

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Mr. Sinzi Maki, Japanese stand-up comedian, used to sing with a ukulele in his hands, "Frank Nagai (great Japanese singer) has a charm of crooner, Sinzi Maki has a charm of jester, aah-aah-ah it's a reluctant matter, aah-ah-ah-ah it's a damn surpriser." Aside from till 1960s, there seem to be less popular crooners. I guess at first it is because, as the arrangements of songs come to contain various instruments, low voices grow less prominent among electric guitars and so on, which are in the same range of tones. Since the days of simple arrangements, it seems to me, in the field of doo-wap, for example, a tenor plays the star and a bass or a baritone follow him, and then a bass often plays a role disturbing a tenor. Low voices are likely to be overshadowed by high ones, but some asserted themselves characteristically as a solo, and then others made impressive scenes in a group. I will introduce their charms to you. (2004/07/26)